Tag Archives: config-template

Config Templates Take 3 (22 of 30)

This is the 3rd part of a series of post’s on developing a Config Template tool, click this link to follow the whole series of post’s.

Sometimes the template system can only take you so far, and you have to get down to regular programming. The HTML::Template system will at least let you send the configs within the same tmpl file as a variable. In this example we let the user input ip networks in a form, and then split it up, however many times you put IPs in and put it into a wildcard networks.… Read more

Configs Templates Take 2 (17 of 30)

This is the second part of a series of post’s on developing a Config Template tool, click this link to follow the whole series of post’s. This tutorial will go over two attributes of HTML::Template cpan module. The ability to “include” other config templates and the ability to make simple if statements.

Let’s say you have regional configs, in this example, it will be NTP servers, but it could easily be tacacs, radius, syslog, etc… You want to be able to have the user declare one option (the region,) and it correctly declare the regional configs.… Read more

Configs Templates Take 1 (15 of 30)

I have developed several config template systems over the years, so I wanted to write a tutorial on some of the things I have done. This first tutorial is not much more than going over HTML::Template cpan module, and having an input form, with a short demo and providing the script. As I build on each one, it will get more and more complicated. You can see a much more in depth coverage at packetlife, but this is meant to be much more step-by-step.… Read more